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Day 7 The nightmares that linger…

Charlie Phillips

Last night I felt like getting in and finishing off a few extra thoughts Alex thought might help with my vocal tracking. While I was in session, something kicked me into overdrive and Karl and I tracked another 2 more songs as well. “Father” and “War Within”. All I have left to track is “Durty Little Secret” and another I still have 1 piece of the puzzle to write and record, “Ode to the Homicidal Trash Queen” (OTTHTQ). Lol, I say that as if it's going to be a breeze... "all I have left", are 2 of 6 of the most vocally intense songs on this album. No pressure.

It always intrigues me, the warped dreams that often turn into nightmares that I seem to get when in artist mode. My imagination runs a muck and leaves me believing it's a harsh reality to my over productive mind. I don't really know why but it's plagued me for years.

So far the one that seems to happen regularly for me is...

Dreaming we are on one of the main stages of a huge event. The guys start playing an instrumental piece to a packed out crowd and they are loved. The crowd is going wild and the guys are in the zone. I step up to the mic to do my thing and next minute the entire place empties in seconds with people literally running screaming at security to let them out after hearing the dreadful stuff, coming from my throat.

Lately all the dreams have been about checklists and sound corrections for this album. I cannot go 1 night without dreaming about click tracks or odd notes and making sure everything has been captured correctly. YAY at dream zone. I need a holiday, it’s winter so I’m eating comfort food a little more than I should. I’m feeling frumpy cause I’m home most of the time BUT I gotta say, I’m loving every minute of being on the creative side of life and I can spend some time on me later ;)

Let’s hope the dreams are less management orientated tonight.

Charlie xx

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