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How to make an indie album in little to no time at all! Album blog entry #1.0

Charlie Phillips

It was 2am when I wrote this so please forgive me if things don't make sense. I felt a sudden desire to track what has fast become an "all cylinders firing' experience for us. Some interesting opportunities have crossed our path recently...let's be real, like a month ago, which gave us a passionate kickstart to feel in a great place to create an album. Yes, this team has been together less than a year and yes we may still be seen as in the "gelling together" phase and ofcourse YES we have just released "Sin" but hell, I always loved a challenge. If you haven't seen Sin yet... do me a personal favour. Watch it, and if you like it and are a fan of us, like the video, subscribe to us and share it with your friends in case they like it too. We have much more to give, this is only the start of the fun, I would love to have you in our world! By the way, don't we look mighty fine...js thanks INDx Media in Hamilton. You rule to the baddest, and beyond!

I think tracking an album with a band is not an easy task, let alone giving yourselves around 4-5 months tops to have all songs written, recorded, mixed, mastered, printed to disk, artwork done and out to release. No Charlie, no pressure at all! For starters there are 5 creative minds all with cool ideas all trying to balance life and all that encumbers while they are told "ummm guys, this is how it is...we need your undivided attention for the next 2 months as of RIGHT NOW!". Our darling Manager Heather is amazing, in among the state of flux she waits patiently to slowly see a glimpse of things as they evolve while we are all working together to make sense of what we want to achieve. I'm sure deep down she must think we're absolutely bonkers and she would be right, we are. Stress becomes raised 100% when people do things like this. You shut out the world enough to focus, miss out on important news, give up potentially important opportunities too of which we have but Heather knows as do the rest of our family that this is an exciting moment in time for us. There is also our "STIG" more of an image/stage and graphic artist. We see this person as the silent helper, at least for now. "So", our silent helper says..."what's the name of the album?". We just smile as his head falls in to the palm of his hand. You don't have a name yet do you?. We say, nope! Our eye's are bright and adventurous. He's like, you need a name! We look all vacant at him but really we know our band. We all have quite the bond, we know what we want and what we don't want. We speak our thoughts between us and pull no punches with each other. Might sound brutal, but it's honest and raw, we feel it's healthy. The album name will be exposed in good time and that will be because it feels right to us all.

Again our manager takes things in her stride. A business list of jobs a mile long, even with her own goals, dreams and daily life aside. Sometimes I'm not really sure how we were so lucky, but she maintains we are all exactly where we are supposed to be. Guided by the universe whether you believe it or not. Anyway, we have all been so focused we have 8 songs ready for the studio of which we are feeling very proud of. I will talk more about these over the coming weeks while I share some of our experiences here with you. Currently I'm barely on Facebook, my usual hole. Sure I use messenger but I really only have time to catch up with the guys and then move back to focussed writing/composing tasks. However FACEBOOK FAMBAMZ...I will be back, I promise! I cannot focus with your news and constant updates in my life I'm afraid, but I had to do what was right for the sound and my sanity!

There have been many late nights over the past few weeks in particular, 4am is becoming a regular habit. Bless my demons, coffee is a little too wonderful to me right now. Band practise tomorrow night. I really can't wait! Call it fate or what ever you want but all I know is it's 2017 and Merrin today, is exhilarating. Anyway, I'm starting to find myself much like this cutey...time to hit the hay I reckon zzzzz Charlie xx

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