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About The Loving Mother

In a house on a hill far from reality... The loving mother spawns her child with love, from utter darkness and despair.

Sneaking through the dense pot plants filled with deadly nightshade, they play, gleefully on the rooftop deck by the light of a full moon. She teaches him all about the things one should never truly know. The truth about pain, about nothingness, the truth about the untruth.

"Love, be still, it will only hurt for a moment"...

The loving mother spawns her child with love, from utter darkness and despair.

Sneaking through the dense pot plants filled with deadly nightshade, they play, gleefully on the rooftop deck by the light of a full moon. She teaches him all about the things one should never truly know. The truth about pain, about nothingness, the truth about the untruth.

The Loving Mother was kindly donated to us by: Paul Edwards from The Dirty Sweet, check out their hot music below!

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